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Win a flameless floating candle set

1 prize to be won!

the MEDE Flameless Floating Candles with Magic Wand Remote – a mesmerizing combination of elegance and convenience that will transform your home into a realm of enchantment. These innovative flameless candles are designed to illuminate your space with a warm, flickering glow while offering the utmost in safety and control. Whether you're setting the mood for a romantic dinner, a relaxing bath, or a special event, MEDE Flameless Floating Candles are your key to effortless ambiance.

Experience the magic of convenience with the included Magic Wand Remote. Control the candles from a distance, adjusting the brightness and flicker settings with a simple wave of the wand. Say goodbye to the hassle of traditional candles!


Enter now! 

Terms & Conditions

This competition ends on 12/10/2025.


MEDE Flameless Floating Candles with Magic Wand Remote x1